The History of the Olympics

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The civilization of the ancient Greeks has been enormously influential for language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science and the arts, the origin of the current of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Western Europe, and also re-emerging during neoclassical movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe and America.

The Olympic Games played a central role in the construction of the Greek culture, in which the skills, abilities, strength and intelligence of the best exponents of the different Greek cities of antiquity were put into play, organizing a huge and popular political religious festival. Olympia became one of the main modes of pilgrimage of the ancient universe, far superior to the pilgrimages to the sanctuaries of Delphi (consecrated to Apollo) and Corinth (in honor of Poseidon, god of the seas). According to tradition, the Greek gods lived in a kind of heavenly city located on Mount Olympus; there were estates among the different divinities and they were organized in a hierarchical way; the supreme authority was the supreme Zeus, god of order and justice.
Some historical events in the Olympics have been:
The 'flight' of Bob Beamon
The hero who could not swim
The day on which the public was sovereign
The Munich bombings
The 'Black Power'
The doping that shocked the world
Fosbury revolutionized the high jump
The aggression that cost a gold
Bolt 'flies' over El Nido

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