Vandalism as a regular activity

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Aren't you tired of read always the same histories about people of coming around the world to Amsterdam just to destroy everything they can? If you are not, keep reading. This history personalize the frustation that my neighborhood, friends, family and I feel.
Last thursday a group of spanish vandals arrive to the city and the first thing they did was getting drunk and take drugs. The problems began when they arrived to Catherine Holland's house, they saw her little dog outside th ehouse and they decided that it was a great idea to stole Catherine's dog put it in their bag and take it to party. Fortunately, Tom, Catherine's husband, listenned the noises and threw them out of the house. It seems like the end, but these vandals decided to go back at 5 and, in front of the house, started to: pee, barf and even shit in the entrance of the residence. Tom was awake, and quickly called the police who chased the vandals until they caught one of them. I only hope that the justice have no mercy with these boys.
I know that this will not be the last case of vandalism in our streets, but if we don't start changing things in our government our neighbouhoods will become uninhabitable.

Este es un sitio web satírico. No lo tomes en serio. Es una broma.

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